Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Better Afternoon

On a good note! After my last post I got some suggestions from one of my support groups, perhaps it is time for a fill.  So I bit the bullet and went this afternoon for a fill. Now I have to be on liquids for the rest of the day and tomorrow mushies (which is awesome because I love the mushy stage foods.. ).  I’m a little more optimistic about this now.  Let’s hope the fill helps.

So what exactly happens during a fill?  I basically lay on my back with a pillow under my back, this helps my port (that is located under the skin right above my belly button) protrude out a little so that doctor can find it easier.  He then gave me a local anesthetic at the port site, which felt like a little pinch and then a slight burn.  Once that took effect he injected my port with 1cc of saline. (Painless)  He then made me drink some water to make sure I wasn’t too tight and could keep down fluids.  I was ok so he sent me on my way and told me to call if I have trouble keeping food down.

OH! I almost forgot!  I had my first (and hopefully last) “stuck” episode this past weekend.  Not something to be excited about really, but I kinda am because now I know what it feels like.  And it does NOT feel nice at all, so I don’t ever want to experience that again.  Thank goodness my food didn’t come back up.  I ate too fast and didn’t chew my food enough.  Then I started feeling my food go down.  And I really mean I FELT it..  it was soo painful.  This sharp pain..burning sensation in your chest.  You almost feel like you can’t breathe.. but you can because your airway isn’t being blocked..  But it’s still not fun!  I had to take a sip of water while eating (which is usually a no no) to help the food go down.  The last thing I want is to throw up, too much of that can cause band slippage.

So now, hopefully I haven’t grossed you out too much.  I just felt like I needed to post again.
As always, thanks for listening.

Good Days & Bad Days: Today Is a Bad One

Yesterday was my 4 week ‘bandiversary’.


I’m not feeling that excited right now if you couldn’t tell. I didn’t lose any weight last week.  I’ve been exercising.. Not 5 days a week like I over zealously committed to.  But at least I’m doing something.  I’ve been doing Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.  Thirty minutes each day.  And then on the weekend I usually get some walking in.

But I still didn’t lose any weight.

I know that this can happen.  I know it’s normal.  I know people plateau.

Then why do I feel like a failure?

Monday, November 7, 2011

3 Weeks Banded - No Job

Today I am officially 3 weeks banded!  HOORAY!!!  I’m so glad I did this for myself.. Things are going great!  Eating differently is becoming second nature.. I’m not hungry in between meals like I originally feared I would be.. I’m probably thinking about food just as much as I used to, but in a totally different way.  Instead of thinking ‘Whats the most decadent delicious over the top thing I can eat right now”, Now the focus is more “How can I make sure to get enough protein in” and just planning ahead for the next meal in a HEALTHY way

I’m not going to lie.  I have had cravings for chocolate and sweets..  but I know my stomach will only allow so many ounces of food a day and I dunno if Im willing to sacrifice a few of those ounces for something that will probably not be very filling…  Not yet at least..

So while things on the lap band front are going great… on Friday I got laid off at work :(  It’s okay tho.  I’m okay.  We are in the best position financially for this to have happened.  I have a really good feeling about this too.  Like there is another special job out there with my name on it..  For now I’m filing for unemployment. (Which let me tell you is going to be more work then actually having a job.  They now require you to take 3 different types of tests before you claim your weeks AND submit at least 5 contacts for each week that you’ve been in touch with about a job opportunity.. But I digress…)

I figure now that I don’t have a job, I have NO EXCUSE NOT TO EXERCISE!  Today I did some fast paced walking with several jogging bursts for 30 minutes.  So proud of myself!  I’m committing to myself to do this at least 5 days a week.  Let’s hope I can keep this up.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Photo Update

Ok.. it’s time I faced my fears and posted my starting weight.  I started off at 315, and am now at 285.  Here’s a comparison..  Small changes… But I feel so much better already :-)

Ok.. it’s time I faced my fears and posted my starting weight.  I started off at 315, and am now at 285.  Here’s a comparison..  Small changes… But I feel so much better already