Friday, August 24, 2012

Hi Stranger

I haven't posted in a long time because life has been kinda crazy.  Lot's of traveling and working out and staying pretty busy which are all good things.  But I figured it was time for an update so here I go...

I'm down 80 pounds and I'm about 10 months post op. YAYYYYY! :)

The past couple of months the scale has been slowing down which was making me nervous, but then I started focusing on how all my clothing was super big on me!  My doctor confirmed this and told me not to focus so much on the scale anymore because I'm working out 6 days a week like a crazy woman.  Muscle weighs more than fat so it makes sense that the scale has slowed down while I'm still dropping sizes like crazy.  I am down to an 18 on bottoms (when I started this journey I was wearing a 24 that was SUPER tight) and, get this, I am a LARGE on top and sometimes a MEDIUM!!! 

I never thought I would get here, yet here I am.  I mean, I've still got some more to lose but looking back, I've already come so far.  I'm seriously proud of myself.  For real.  I don't remember the last time I could honestly say that I was proud of myself. 

So not only have I been buying smaller clothing, but I dyed my hair red and have been changing up my style a little bit as I settle into The Skinny Bitch.  Feeling really good!! :)

Moving on..... I started  nursing school and the online portion was a breeze.  The in-class portion starts on September 10th.  As of that date, my schedule will be changing completely.  For a while this was stressing me out and making me so nervous because I feel like I've gotten into a routine and a flow with my workout schedule.  What if this causes me to work out less?  Or even worse, completely STOP working out altogether?! 

I had a 'come-to-Jesus' meeting with myself and realized that in the past I would have never been anxious about this.  I would have just dealt with the change of schedule on September 10th, not a moment before, and been like "I'm too tired to work out" or "They don't have any group exercise classes that are convenient for me" and just defeat myself into a corner that would consist of me not working out anymore, then beating myself up for it, and then turning to a bag of Oreos for comfort. 

But instead, here I was, a few months before my schedule change, and I'm stressing out about my next move.  When I realized this, I knew, that all I needed to do was put a plan in place before school started, and I would follow it. 

So that's what I've done.  I've been investigating new classes at different times that would work with my upcoming new schedule.  I've figured out several options that would work well for me, and now I have a plan. 

The same actually goes for my eating habits.  I was stressing out about how they might change once school starts.  I've relied heavily on protein shakes made in the blender at home with frozen fruit and milk and protein powder.  This was not going to work once school starts, so at the same time I was putting my new workout plan together, I started re-learning how to eat.  I now have a food plan as well and I am very much looking forward to the change in schedule.

So, I keep getting requests for another updated photo.  Here is my dilemma, I was using the poundage to tell me when I should take photos.  Every 30 pounds or so is when I would take photos.  But now, since the scale has slowed down, I almost feel like it's way too soon for another photo, I still have 10 more pounds to go to make the next 30.  But I will try and get one soon and I probably won't wait for the next 10 pounds to come off before I take one.  I don't want to keep you in suspense for too long... :)

'Til next time..

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